Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tiger Woods - so what?

Yes, as american's we are preoccupied with Tiger Woods sinful ways.

Okay, I have to ding Tiger for a couple of items:

a) He pushed himself with a squeaky clean image.

b) He's a lousy husband.

Beyond this, I don't really see what the problem is or why its a problem. He's not a sex addict, he's just an average guy doing what any other guy with money and options would do. Why do rockstars have wild & kinky sex with a different woman every night?

Because they can.

So I say, let Tiger have his fun. Sure, he's a lousy husband but not every marriage is as perfect as it looks from the outside. And even if a guy is married to beautiful super model, every guy has a wandering eye. Its evolution. Men are programmed to want a different woman every night, and every man has to fight the urge to not wander.

When you have money, options, fame, and fortune, with women throwing themselves at you every day, its only human to give into those urges. So, I say let Tiger have his fun and do what he wants in his personal life.

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